Conditions for Use of WSTS Proprietary Information

Any employee of a WSTS member company, a licensee or subscriber, collectively designated hereunder as Authorized Organization, who applies for a User Name and Password to access the proprietary realms of the WSTS website (the "Proprietary Section"), by doing so, accepts the conditions of use as defined here below:

  1. All information in the Proprietary Section is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights as applicable.
  2. The use of information contained in the Proprietary Section is restricted to Authorized Organizations and their employees that have right of access to that information.
  3. Right of access is determined upon application for a User Name and a Password, which credentials are personally assigned to the "User". Any sharing of User Names and Passwords within the User's organization or outside it, is strictly prohibited.
  4. With the payment of each multiple of $1000 in annual membership fee a regular member company acquires one access permit together with related personal client care and inquiry privileges. Associate member companies acquire one access permit for each multiple of $500 in annual membership fee. Licensees and subscribers are assigned contingencies of access permits in accordance with the respective agreements. Any sharing of already assigned User Names and Passwords with the purpose or effect to increase the effective number of access permits constitutes a fraudulent use of assigned access credentials.
  5. Upon recognition and conclusive evidence of fraudulent use of User Names and Passwords WSTS will withdraw the access permit from the User and reserves the right to claim damages.
  6. Information from the Proprietary Section may be shared in whole or part by the legitimate User within the Authorized Organization, provided that the User can warrant that the thereby distributed information will not be released to any external third parties outside the Authorized Organization. The User and his/her employer are jointly liable for any damages that WSTS, its member companies and its licensees may suffer or claim due to unauthorized distribution of information from the Proprietary Section.
  7. Users are informed herewith that their log-in instances and their download of information from the Proprietary Section are monitored and recorded, whereby WSTS will also retrieve any other data that is suitable to verify the legitimacy of the User's access.
  8. The assignment of User Names and Passwords is on first come, first serve basis, unless other specific qualification procedures have been requested by the Authorized Organization.
  9. Users who are reassigned to other responsibilities within their company and thereafter have no need to access the Proprietary Section are requested to cancel their access permit.
  10. Users who terminate their employment with the Authorized Organizaton are obliged to notify the WSTS Administrator or Assistant to Administrator immediately upon such ocurrence.
  11. When requested by WSTS Users shall change their passwords.
  12. User Names and Passwords shall be protected against incidental disclosure. When saved on the User's PC adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent retrieval of these credentials by other persons. Whenever it is suspected that the User Name and/or Password became known to other persons, the User shall change his/her Password through the Change Password link.

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Next Global WSTS Meeting

The next Global WSTS Meeting is scheduled from Nov 18 to 21, 2024 in San Diego, USA.

Introduction to WSTS

All you want to know, all you need to know about WSTS! Download and view a slide presentation about WSTS services, organization, and membership.


WSTS Administrator

Tobias Proettel is the Administrator of WSTS. He works from his office in Germany.


Copyright Notice

All WSTS Publications, including this Web Site, are copyrighted by WSTS Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any electronic or physical form, in whole or in part, without written permission from WSTS is prohibited by law. © Copyright 1998-2024 by World Semiconductor Trade Statistics Inc.

Historical Billings Report

Three decades of billings statistics of the WSTS Blue Book are now available for free download - with latest data from May 2024. No login is required


Forgotten Password

Get help on restoring access to the "Members Only" section in case you lost or forgot your password.


Membership Fee Payment by Credit Card

You may pay your annual membership fee with your company credit card.


2024 Membership Fee Schedule

The 2024 membership fee remained at the same level as in 2023.


2024 Publication Schedule for WSTS Reports

All information concerning publication dates, notification and submission deadlines for the year 2024.

Copyright © 2005-2024 WSTS GmbH. All rights reserved.