Global WSTS Meeting - Kobe - May 2024

This website serves as a comprehensive resource for planning your participation in the upcoming Global WSTS Meeting. As the meeting approaches, more detailed information for travel planning and active participation will be made available on this site.


20 to 23
May 2024


Oriental Hotel Kobe
25 Kyomachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe, 
Hyogo Prefecture 650-0034







Meeting Participants

Each WSTS Member Company is represented by a single official representative on the Committee. This representative is expected to attend all Committee Meetings (Business Meetings) and to exercise their voting rights during these meetings, which typically take place on Tuesday mornings. Additionally, all other employees of WSTS Member Companies are welcome to participate in all aspects of the Committee Meetings (Business Meetings and Forecast Meetings). However, participation in the Forecast Meeting is contingent upon the submission of a pre-meeting forecast. Additionally, representatives from Semiconductor Industry Associations are invited to attend as observers. During registration, attendees must declare their role for the meeting.

Certain detailed information such as the agenda, the list of participants etc. is only accessible to holders of WSTS user accounts and/or to registered participants. If you have registered but do not have a WSTS user account, you may login to this meeting web site (right upper corner) with your registration ID as user name and your last name as password.

Non-member semiconductor companies that are interested in joining WSTS may send a representative to attend the Committee Meeting as an observer. Such requests are to be made to the WSTS Administrator.

Participation Fee and Hotel Cost

Participation Fee: The applicable rates are summarized in the table below.

Registration Date Fee per Day:
Tuesday to Thursday
Fee for whole Meeting
On or before 22 March  US$100 US$250
On or before 19 April US$150 US$375
After 19 April US$200 US$500

Participation fees include a daily buffet lunch, a morning and afternoon break with coffee, tea and other refreshments, the Thursday tour, as well as a dinner on Tuesday and Thursday. The dinners and tour are also available to accompanying spouses free of charge. 

Participants who booked at the discounted participation fee (on or before 22 March), but who change major details of their registration after this time will have to pay the regular participation fee. Minor changes (change of room type, addition of supplementary information) however will not cause a reassessment of the participation fee. In the case of registration cancellation, in part or whole, WSTS will retain US$100 per day or US$250 for the entire meeting. Reservations for the hotel rooms will close on May 10th, 2024.

Hotel Cost

Room rates include internet access, service charge and breakfast. Taxes are included.

Room type single occupancy double occupancy
Deluxe   JPY 24,080 JPY 30,080

The room rates for Friday May 17 and May 24 are JPY 29,080 single occupancy / 35,080 double occupancy and for Saturday May 18 and May 25 are JPY 34,080 / 40,080.

Meeting Registration and Hotel Reservation

Global WSTS Meeting - Kobe - May 2024 - Registration Form

Tentative Agenda

Below is the tentative agenda. Daily allocation of topics is still subject to change.

Day Agenda Items Afternoon / Evening
May 20

Executive Committee / BOD  Meeting (Participation BOD  Members only)

BOD Dinner
May 21
Business Meeting, Key-notes Macroeconomics & End-use markets Welcome Dinner
May 22
FC Sessions No Program
May 23
FC Sessions   Tour to Himeji Castle & Dinner at Kobe Kitano Terrasse

Detailed Agenda & Locations for the week (member login)

Information about Himeji Castle you can find here: 

The World Cultural Heritage: The National Treasure of Himeji Castle

Information about Kobe Kitano Terrasse are available here:

Adress: LINK

Planning Your Participation

If you participate in the meeting, a number of critical deadlines need to be observed: Planning Calendar (member login)

Active Participation

Contact the Vice Chairman of your region if you are willing to make a presentation or lead a session at the meeting.
The List of Active Participants will be available with the Agenda, shows which topics are already assigned and which are still open (log in required).

Presenters should read the "Guidelines for Presenters" in detail and use the "Presentation master" (member login).

Submission of Pre-Meeting Forecast

Participation in the Forecast Meeting is subject to the submission of a premeeting forecast. 

30 April 2024: issue of blank pre-meeting forecast file including Q1 2024 BB data
13 May 2024: submission of pre-meeting forecast to WSTS
14 May 2024: publication of pre-meeting average forecast to all participating companies

The following downloads are available for Forecast Program users only:

Forecast program user manual LINK (Log in required)
How to submit the Kobe pre-meeting forecast LINK (Log in required)

Travel and Transfer

Most participants from abroad will travel by air and arrive at Kansai (Osaka) International Airport - KIX. For transfer to the hotel:

  • Direct taxi transfer: approximately 60 min. / 28,000 JPY (US$175) or international airport taxi service: approximately 60 min. / US$140 - LINK.
  • Airport bus to Kobe Sannomiya station every 2 hours: approximately 65 min. / 2,000 JPY and Taxi to hotel 4 min. / 1,000 JPY 
  • High speed ferry to Ferry terminal Kobe: 50 min / 1,880 JPY and Taxi to hotel 6 min. / 1,200 JPY 

Arriving at Osaka - Itami International Airport (OSA) - transfer to the hotel: 

  • Direct taxi transfer: approximately 40 min. / 10,000 JPY to 15,000 JPY
  • Airport bus to Kobe Sannomiya station every 30 to 40 minutes: approximately 40 min. / 1,500 JPY and Taxi to hotel 4 min. / 1,000 JPY 

Practical Hints and Useful Links

KOBE TOURISM SMART PASSPORT - is a convenient and affordable passport for tourists that allows you to visit up to 48 facilities in Kobe for one or two days - JPY 2,500 to 5,900.
Various Transport pass: e.g. Kobe City Bus & Subway 1-Day Pass - Adult JPY 1,040.

About Kobe Motomachi Shopping Street | Kobe Motomachi Shopping Street ( 5 minutes walk from Hotel to starting point.

List of Registered Participants

List of registered participants (this list is permanently updated whenever a registration is completed. You may also check the status of your own registration). For log in please use the temporary user data for the Kobe meeting, your permanent user account will not work.


Next Global WSTS Meeting

The next Global WSTS Meeting is scheduled from Nov 18 to 21, 2024 in San Diego, USA.

Introduction to WSTS

All you want to know, all you need to know about WSTS! Download and view a slide presentation about WSTS services, organization, and membership.


WSTS Administrator

Tobias Proettel is the Administrator of WSTS. He works from his office in Germany.


Copyright Notice

All WSTS Publications, including this Web Site, are copyrighted by WSTS Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any electronic or physical form, in whole or in part, without written permission from WSTS is prohibited by law. © Copyright 1998-2024 by World Semiconductor Trade Statistics Inc.

Historical Billings Report

Three decades of billings statistics of the WSTS Blue Book are now available for free download - with latest data from May 2024. No login is required


Forgotten Password

Get help on restoring access to the "Members Only" section in case you lost or forgot your password.


Membership Fee Payment by Credit Card

You may pay your annual membership fee with your company credit card.


2024 Membership Fee Schedule

The 2024 membership fee remained at the same level as in 2023.


2024 Publication Schedule for WSTS Reports

All information concerning publication dates, notification and submission deadlines for the year 2024.

Copyright © 2005-2024 WSTS GmbH. All rights reserved.